Hallo !
Ich habe vor ca. einer Woche die externe Festplatte gewechselt, seit dem laeuft kein Backup mehr durch. ( Es wird auf I: und O: gesichert.). Ich bin mir noch nicht einmal Sicher welches hier die Fehlermeldung ist.
Wie gehe ich weiter vor ?
Danke im Vorraus und Gruss
[2018-08-09 02:00:02.99] INF: Configure backup "I:\hdb\Backupdef1.hbd"
[2018-08-09 02:00:02.99] INF: Start backup in move mode at 2018-08-09 02:00:02.99 (Version 2.2.18 (Build 9206))
[2018-08-09 02:00:02.99] INF: Validating backup definition "I:\hdb\Backupdef1.hbd"
[2018-08-09 02:00:03.01] INF: Start pre-backup-command "C:\windvsw1\sqlstop.bat"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.21] INF: Pre-backup-command finished with exit-code 0
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.21] INF: Check access to source directory "C:\ProgramData\DATEV" (fixed local drive)
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.21] INF: Check access to source directory "C:\ProgramData\DATEV-NetInfo" (fixed local drive)
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.21] INF: Check access to source directory "C:\windvsw1" (fixed local drive)
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Check access to target directory "i:\HLB_v2" (Unkown)
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Check access to target directory "O:\HLB" (fixed local drive)
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Scan existing backup sets...
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Compare with backup sets: "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-08","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-07","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-06","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-05","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-04","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-03","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-02","i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-01","i:\HLB_v2\2018-07-31","O:\HLB\2018-08-08","O:\HLB\2018-08-07","O:\HLB\2018-08-06","O:\HLB\2018-08-05","O:\HLB\2018-08-04","O:\HLB\2018-08-03","O:\HLB\2018-08-02","O:\HLB\2018-08-01" and "O:\HLB\2018-07-30"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-08"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-07"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.23] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-06"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-05"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-04"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-03"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-02"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-01"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check access to backup set "i:\HLB_v2\2018-07-31"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Create target directory "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-09"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.24] INF: Check file access rights to "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-09"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.26] INF: Support (+/-/?): +PreserveCaseNames,+SupportUnicodeNames,+PersistentAcls,+SupportCompression,+SupportsSparseFiles,+SupportsReparsePoints,+SupportsEncryption,+SupportsHardLinks,+SupportsHardLinkRead,+SupportsSymLinks,+SupportsAlternativeDataStreams,-ReadOnly,+WriteAccess,+WritePermissions
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.26] INF: Create log-file "i:\HLB_v2\2018-08-09\backup_2018-08-09_02_00_02.log"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.26] INF: Create log-file "C:\ProgramData\Lupinho.Net\HardlinkBackup\CachedBackupSets\i_HLB_v2\2018-08-09\backup_2018-08-09_02_00_02.log"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.26] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-08"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-07"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-06"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-05"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-04"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-03"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-02"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-08-01"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] INF: Check access to backup set "O:\HLB\2018-07-30"
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] FAT: The worker "CreateBackupTargetsWorker" failed because an exception occurred:
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.28] FAT: The backup set "O:\HLB\2018-07-30" does not exist.
[2018-08-09 02:15:31.29] FAT: The backup set "O:\HLB\2018-07-30" does not exist.
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.54] INF: Registering Notification Summary
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.59] FAT: The worker "FullBackupWorker" failed because an exception occurred:
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.59] FAT: The sub-worker "CreateBackupTargetsWorker" has been failed.
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.59] FAT: The sub-worker "CreateBackupTargetsWorker" has been failed.
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.59] INF: Closing backup...
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.59] INF: Summary:
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.60] INF: Backup time: 02:00 - 02:15 (15 minutes)
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.60] INF: Processed 0 file (0 Byte) in 0 directories
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.60] INF: 1 errors and 0 warnings occurred
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.60] INF: Backup failed with 1 errors.
[2018-08-09 02:15:34.62] INF: Start post-backup-command "C:\windvsw1\sqlstart.bat"
[2018-08-09 02:15:38.93] INF: Post-backup-command finished with exit-code 0