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Autor Thema:Dateien werden immer komplett kopiert
Beiträge: 1
Beitrag Dateien werden immer komplett kopiert
am December 3, 2018, 08:43

bei mir tritt das Problem auf, dass keine Hardlinks erzeugt werden, sondern die Dateien werden jedes Mal komplett kopiert. Hier das Logfile:

[2018-12-03 01:14:50.71] INF: Configure backup "E:\Backupeinstellungen_nach_jt_daten_dan.hbd"
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.81] INF: Start backup in hardlink mode at 2018-12-03 01:14:50.70 (Version 2.2.19 (Build 9208))
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.84] INF: Validating backup definition "E:\Backupeinstellungen_nach_jt_daten_dan.hbd"
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.90] INF: Check access to source directory "E:\joergskay" (fixed local drive)
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.90] INF: Check access to target directory "F:\" (fixed local drive)
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.93] INF: Scan existing backup sets...
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.97] INF: Compare with backup sets: "F:\2018-10-30_17.39","F:\2018-04-16_10.06" and "F:\2018-04-14_11.09"
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.98] INF: Check access to backup set "F:\2018-10-30_17.39"
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.98] INF: Check access to backup set "F:\2018-04-16_10.06"
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.98] INF: Check access to backup set "F:\2018-04-14_11.09"
[2018-12-03 01:14:50.99] INF: Create target directory "F:\2018-12-03"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.00] INF: Check file access rights to "F:\2018-12-03"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.21] INF: Support (+/-/?): +PreserveCaseNames,+SupportUnicodeNames,+PersistentAcls,+SupportCompression,+SupportsSparseFiles,+SupportsReparsePoints,+SupportsEncryption,+SupportsHardLinks,+SupportsHardLinkRead,+SupportsSymLinks,+SupportsAlternativeDataStreams,-ReadOnly,+WriteAccess,+WritePermissions
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.26] INF: Create log-file "F:\2018-12-03\backup_2018-12-03_01_14_50.log"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.27] INF: Create log-file "C:\ProgramData\Lupinho.Net\HardlinkBackup\CachedBackupSets\F_\2018-12-03\backup_2018-12-03_01_14_50.log"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.29] INF: Directory "F:\2018-12-03" online.
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.29] INF: Start watching target "F:\2018-12-03" (online).
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.30] INF: Start backup process...
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.37] INF: Use "index.hbi" for "F:\2018-10-30_17.39"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.40] INF: Use "index.hbi" for "F:\2018-04-16_10.06"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.42] INF: Use "index.hbi" for "F:\2018-04-14_11.09"
[2018-12-03 01:14:51.44] WRN: Source file system of "E:\joergskay" is unkown to support reading hardlinks. Inner hardlink detection may fail.
[2018-12-03 01:15:41.60] MSG: Creating directory "F:\2018-12-03\joergskay"

Was kann das Problem sein?
Viele Grüße

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